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Motor vehicle & Traffic

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Life disqualification from driving

If you have a life ban from driving, you are not alone. We can represent you in court proceedings to remove your life disqualification from driving. We can advise you on whether you meet the certain pre-requisites for removal of this permanent ban.

WA Traffic offences

We are able to represent clients in various matters related to traffic offences such disqualification from driving, driving whilst intoxicated, and driving without a seatbelt. We understand that you have your reasons and we will do our best to ensure these reasons are put forward and are heard by the Court.

  • Speeding

  • Driving whilst intoxicated

  • Driving whilst suspended

  • Driving whilst disqualified

  • Refusing breathalysers  

  • Reckless driving


We advise on various road related incidents, road accidents and traffic offences occurring on WA roads.

Damages claims

If you have been in a motor vehicle accident you may have a claim for damages against the party who caused the accident. We can advise you on how to commence legal action, such as the expected costs of commencing such an action.

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