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Not everyone wants to litigate in court, and we get that. We always listen to our client’s needs and work to accomplish positive results quickly and efficiently.

All legal matters

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By reaching out, you are already ahead of your competitor, ex-spouse, potential business partner, the list goes on.

Legal advice generally

It is common for people to consult with a lawyer simply to obtain some legal advice. We know that sometimes it can be very stressful having received a letter in the post from, for example: a business partner, a government department, or an ex-spouse. Take the opportunity to get some legal advice before things escalate. It may cost you a little now, but it could also save you money, time, mental distress and sleepless nights in the long term. 

Out-of-court legal matters 

We can assist in various capacities from as simple as attending a meeting with you with a potential business partner, to a formal negotiation settlement conference with a mediator. You let us know what you require, and we will let you know whether we can assist. 

Reviewing legal documents

It is not always the case where we get tasked with drafting a legal document from a blank page. In certain circumstances, especially when there are other lawyers involved representing the other side, we assist our clients by reviewing and advising on a legal document. It surprises most to say this, but reviewing a legal document and advising upon it, is a more difficult task than actually drafting the document.


  • Shareholder agreements

  • Power of attorney

  • Deeds (various types)

  • Agreements & Contracts (various types)

Small businesses
  • Lease agreements & sublease agreements

  • Loan agreements

  • Confidentiality agreements

  • Employment agreements

  • Licensee & licensor agreements

  • Contractor & principal agreements

We can assist with drafting a wide range of legal documents. Please find below a list of a few legal documents that you may require and that we may be able to produce from scratch for you to your specifications.

Creating legal documents

  • Wills 

  • Power of attorney

  • Enduring guardianship

  • Statutory declarations

  • Deeds (various types)

  • Agreements & contracts (various types)


Foreign investment advice

In spite of the events which have unfolded in the recent years due to Covid-19 and its devastating effects on the global economy, Australia remains an attractive investment destination. We can advise on Foreign Investment Review Board (“FIRB”) matters. For example, advising on FIRB requirements and whether FIRB approval is necessary, for a foreign investors or corporate entities purchasing or investing into a commercial development.


We can assist clients with many types of Australian visa applications. We are able to advise on visa refusals and the process of fighting a refusal through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (“AAT”). We can advise you on the next steps after your legal matter is determined in the AAT and you wish to have your legal matter reviewed by the Australian Courts.

Magistrates Court of Western Australia

We are able to represent clients in a range of legal matters in the Magistrates Court of Western Australia. We can advise you on the general claims process and the minor case claim process. This minor case claim process is a special jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court whereby generally lawyers are not allowed to be involved in the court case directly. For this reason, individuals must conduct their case themselves without a lawyer present in Court. It can sometimes be helpful to have a lawyer assist behind the scenes by providing you with the necessary support and guidance to ensure you give yourself the best chances of success. 

  • Restraining orders (“RO’s”)

  • Misconduct restraining orders (“MRO’s”)

  • Family violence restraining orders (“FVRO’s”)


State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia

We are able to advise clients on a range of legal matters heard in the State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia (“SAT”). The SAT has jurisdiction to determine various legal matters, and those matters can be found on the Tribunal’s website. For more information on whether the SAT has power to hear your legal matter, please contact us.

Human Rights Commission

We are able to advise and represent clients on discrimination matters brought before the Human Rights Commission (“HRC”). The HRC is known to utilise an alternative legal process known as conciliation. This process is not the same as a typical Australian court process for resolving claims/disputes.

Fair Work Commission

We are able to advise and represent clients in the Fair Work Commission on the following matters:

  • Unfair dismissal

  • Bullying and sexual harassment

  • Underpayment of remuneration/wages

  • Discrimination, for example based on race, gender, disability, and sexual orientation

  • General employment/employee disputes

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